S. Goswami et al., Nano Energy, 60, 794-801, 2019
Our experimental outturn opens up a new vision by proposing mechano-responsive charge transfer mechanism (MRCTM) to π-conjugated polymers in the field of human-motion interactive energy harvester. Doped polyaniline (d-PANi) has been used to functionalize conducting textile fibers (f-CTFs) and integrated with our proposed design for wearable power plant. Each f-CTF generates current by patting, bending, or even soft touching. Localized force deformation at the metal/polymeric interface layer with direct visualization of charge distribution pattern has been extensively studied by atomic force microscopy. The integrated arrays of f-CTFs produce a peak power-density of ∼0.6 W m−2 with output current-density of ∼22 mA m−2 and can power at least 10 white LEDs of 2.5 W. The procured energy from f-CTFs is capable of charging a commercial 10 μF capacitor to 3 V in 80 s and powering portable electronic devices. The prototype energy harvester stably shows the same performance after more than 100 thousand times of patting, bending or twisting.