Materials – explore six classes of fibre-based functional nano-materials and process technologies: (i) conductive percolated polymer and nano-composites for fibre-based stretchable electrodes (ii) carbon nano-fibres and active semiconducting materials for fibre diode and transistor devices (iii) organic and inorganic emissive compound coatings for active fibre photonic devices (iv) functional organic and inorganic nanostructured materials for fibre-based energy devices and (v) active layers embedded in the fibre to form physical and chemical sensors (vi) conductive and non-conductive adhesive materials for the interconnects.

Component technology platform – integrate nanostructured material elements into five different platform technologies (figure below), which have been already demonstrated and will be taken to advanced levels of technological maturity.

Fibre processing and weaving/knitting integration – implementation of process technologies and integration schemes for fabricating arrays of interconnected devices using functional fibre materials. A scalable manufacturing strategy will be developed by embedding each basic functional element or component into individual fibres, and then weaving or knitting the fibres into more complex and structured multi-functional systems integrated into technical textiles.

Product application platform – bring the engineered fibre-based materials onto smart functional textiles for multi-sector industries. Resulting integrated building blocks will be matured to produce industrially viable demonstrators such as: textile wall curtains; wall displays; eco-friendly energy textiles; and smart sensors for e-skin.

Multi-scale, multi-domain modelling and simulation – provide support to all expected development and innovation foreseen in 1D-NEON. Integrated with characterization activities for a perfect modelling-characterization symbiosis at all levels ranging from the design of materials, processes, and devices to product integration. Cost modelling is also addressed to deal with consumer needs regarding yield, reliability and lifetime, and other eco-factors.

Safety and standardization – Estimation of risk prevention and control, engaging with other EU projects and the EU Nanosafety Cluster and monitor compliance to Standard Operating Procedures. Standards for industrial applications to encompass materials, processes, components, and system applications, including testing procedures, seeking a friendly user interface between end-users requirements and product developers.