The 5th International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials (ICAE 2019), took place from 5th to 8th November 2019 in Jeju, Korea.
ICAE 2019 provides a variety of programs including symposiums, exhibition, networking events, and cultural tours to benefit from many fruitful and enriching discussions as well as to initiate collaborations within and across disciplines in the field of ferroelectric and piezoelectric materials and devices, green energy materials and devices such as solar cells and fuel cells, functional thin films and devices, energy storage materials, transparent electronics, printable electronics, smart nano-materials and devices, advances in nanotechnologies, emerging optoelectronic materials and devices based on LEDs and OLEDs, advances in semiconductor technologies, and biomedical materials/ devices.
This year 1D-NEON project was represented by partner UNINOVA.